Luis De Las Heras palaa Eaglesiin

Tervetuloa takaisin Luis De Las Heras! (in English at the end)

Kuten jo OL-pelipaikkaesittelyissä kerroimme, hyökkäyksen linjamies Luis De Las Heras (185cm / 134kg) tekee paluun Eagles paitaan!

Luis aloitti Eaglesin jokaisen ottelun viime kaudella ja hän pystyykin pelaamaan jokaista hyökkäyksen linjan positiota. Tarvittaessa hän myös auttoi puolustuksen linjan puolella, monipuolisuutta siis löytyy.

Iloisena ja positiivisena persoonana Luis on erittäin pidetty joukkueen keskuudessa ja olemme todella iloisia, että saimme hänet takaisin kaudella 2019.

Luis liittyy joukkueeseen heti kun hänen kausi Espanjassa on ohi. Hänen joukkueensa Camioneros on edennyt välieriin ja on yhden ottelun päässä Espanjan finaalista. Jos hän yltää finaaliin jää häneltä yksi Eagles ottelu eli kauden avaus väliin.

Päävalmentaja Carpelanin kommentit pelaajauutisesta:

”Tosi tärkeä pelaaja meille. Meidän hyökkäyksen linja menetti monia veteraaneja, joko pelaaja uran lopettamisen seurauksena tai siirtona Vaahteraliigaan, joten Luisin meille takaisin saaminen oli äärimmäisen tärkeää. Hän on juuri sen tyyppinen pelaaja joista todella pidän, hän liikkuu kuten fullback, iskee kuin rekka ja laittaa vastustajia selälleen kovalla prosentilla. Mun mielestä hän kuuluu ehdottomasti koko Euroopan linjamieseliittiin.”


Luis vastasi muutamiin Eagles toimituksen kysymyksiin:

How has your season in Spain been so far?

*The season in Spain has been a really good one, we are making a new history for Camioneros getting for the first time in semifinals and we have a great team and good teammates and we hope to get to the finals buts it’s not gonna be an easy game. The level here, I’m proud to say, that is getting better and better

What are your strengths as a player?

*As an offensive line I’m a versatile, I can play in every position in the line. That helps a lot for any team because I can fill the missing spots if a teammate has an injury. Also, in defense, is not my strongest part, but I can help to make a difference in the field

How did you enjoy playing in Finland with the Eagles last year?

*It was a really good year and experience, getting through to the finals and in a good level in Europe was amazing. Also getting to know every one of my teammates and having fun and good experience with them it is something that I won’t forget.


Most memorable moment about last season in Finland?

 *The semifinal game against ECG was the best game that I played last season. I had an injury and it was a little bit confusing, hahaha, but I did what I had to do, making big plays in the offense that help us to win that game

Tell something about yourself that many people don’t know?

*I get angry so easily, hahaha, some people say that I’m a happy person and it’s weird see me angry, but it happens a lot of times 

Luigi’s highlights from last year:


Same story in English: (Sorry Eagles press can’t write in Spanish 😊 )

Welcome back Luis De Las Heras!

As we already published during our OL group introduction, OL player Luis De Las Heras (185cm / 134kg) is coming back to Eagles!

Luis started every game for the Eagles last year and he can play every position in the OL. He also helped out in DL, when it was needed.

As an outgoing person Luis is very liked within the Eagles and we are happy to get him back.

Luis will join us as soon as his season in Spain is done. His team is now in semi-finals and one win away from the final. If they advance to Finals, he will miss the season opener of the Eagles.

Head Coach Carpelan had some comments about signing Luis:

“Very important player for us. Our OL lost many veterans to retirement or Maple League, so getting Luis back was crucial. He is the type of player I love, he moves like a FB, hit’s like a truck and makes better pancakes than Gordon Ramsey. In my books he is definitely one of the elite offensive linemen in the whole Europe”

We had some questions to Luis and he was kind enough to answer them.

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