2 results for month: 08/2022

Otteluennakko – Eagles vs. Roosters 11.8

Today is the last men’s home game of the year, against the Helsinki Roosters. The last time the Eagles faced the Roosters was in their Vaahteraliiga debut at the Velodrome, losing 57 - 6 to the home team. Since then, the Eagles have faced their own ups and downs in the season. Despite injuries and losses, the team has ... More

Otteluennakko – Eagles vs. Crusaders 5.8

Perjantain vaahteraliigakamppailussa ovat vastakkain Kotka Eagles ja United Newland Crusaders (UNC). Eaglesin debyyttikausi Vaahteraliigassa on ollut haasteellinen ja poissaolijoiden lista on kasvanut luvattoman pitkäksi. Muun muassa Kotka Eaglesin pelinrakentaja Chris Forcier on loukkaantuneena siirtynyt valmennuksen puolel... More