Laitahyökkääjä Peter Anderson Eagles- paitaan!
Eagles on tehnyt sopimuksen laitahyökkääjä (WR) Peter Andersonin kanssa kaudelle 2022. Pyysimme hyökkäyksen koordinaattori Kari Leivojalta kommentteja asian tiimoilta:

Credit: Kevin Bollinger (fb: CMU Mavily)
Etsimme joukkueeseen nopeaa ja ketterää kundia ja nyt olemme tehneet sopimuksen Colorado Mesa Collegen Peter Andersonin kanssa. Hän tulee pelaamaan monipuolisesti molemmin puolin palloa.
Collegessa hänelle kertyi 161 kiinniottoa, 2965 yds ja 23 TD:tä. Näillä tuloksilla hän on yltänyt myös koulunsa ennätyksiin.
Olemme erittäin tyytyväisiä nopeaan ja sujuvaan sopimusneuvotteluun ja odotamme innolla Peterin saapumista Suomeen toukokuun lopulla.
Tervetuloa Kotkaan Peter!
Haastattelimme myös fanien ja jefukansana iloksi Peteriä mietteistään debyyttikaudesta euroopan jefuskenessä! Lue alta:
Q: Welcome to the Kotka Eagles, Peter! Tell us some more about yourself.
A: I’m Peter Anderson from Aurora Colorado. I attended Colorado Mesa University. I studied fitness and health promotion, I played three sports in high school – football, baseball and basketball. I had a great career at Colorado Mesa University, finishing as the all-time career leading receiver in total yards and I still hold the single-season record in yards and receptions.

Credit: Kevin Bollinger (fb: CMU Mavily)
Q: What are your strengths as a player and what do you bring to the team?
A: Speed, Athleticism, and football IQ and the ability make big plays. I like to lead by example on the field. I love to practice and work on my craft outside of organized team practices. On game days I am a lot more vocal and my energy is a lot higher!
Q: What made you choose the Kotka Eagles?
A: I appreciate the Eagles for giving me an opportunity to continue playing football! I’ve never traveled out of this US before but the chance to experience a new culture and pursue my dream of playing football is something I couldn’t pass up. I haven’t heard much about Finland, but what I have heard has been all good things. My first phone call with Coach Charlie went really well and I felt I’d be comfortable playing with the eagle and they would take good care of me.

Credit: Paul Anderson
Q: What are your goals for 2022 season?
A: To help the Eagles win games and overall get better as a football player. I also want to help coach the youth & ladies teams and pass on all the knowledge I have learned from some great coaches.

Credit: Kevin Bollinger (fb: CMU Mavily)
Q: What do you do outside of football?:
A: I like to play video games and watch sports! I watch the NBA & NFL my favorite teams are the Arizona cardinals & the Washington Wizards. PlayStation over xbox.
Q: What can the Eagles fans expect from you?
A: Excitement and a fun player to watch.
Q: What are fun facts about Peter?
A: I like to cook and play basketball.
Artikkelin kuvat Kevin Bollinger ja Paul Anderson